Saturday, July 31, 2010

After wash

Now I have cleaned all of those four ponies which I got at yesterday. Some of them still got some stains and other marks which are so stuck that I didn't got them off yet. I haven't glued ponies heads on the places yet and maybe later I'll try other methods to get rid of those stains. But in this point they are good for my collection.

Pony Pride is getting some curls into her hair.

Lemon Drop with head and tail on the place. I don't curl her tail, I like it the way it is.

I was afraid to clean this mark wholly since it is over the symbol. It was bigger, but the part which was on the skin color did came off with nail polish remover. I'm not sure what I'll do with this, but maybe later if I got some good paints, I'll paint over it and at the same time repair some biggest detritions of the symbol.

4-Speed is waiting for drying. Some metal part of the tail were a little rusty, so I'll replace them. Tail is looking better already, not so dry anymore. It got conditioner treatment. I also boiled him just in case because he has some brown dots..

These marks didn't get off either. I'll probably try some other cleaning methods on those later.

And last, my Sugarberry. Her hairs got also condition treatment and they're already looking better. :) I'll re-curl both of her hair.

I will visit at my childhood home at next monday with my family and see is there any MLPs anymore. I'm sure that there's some other ponies if not MLPs. And at the next week I'll get one new pony, Snowflake. :)


  1. Kai tänne saa kommentoida suomeksi? :O Enkkua en osaa kuin lukea, kirjoitus ja puhuminen on liian vaikeaa. :D

    Mutta kiitos kommentista blogissani, mukava blogi on sinullakin. Kiva kun poniblogeja tulee enemmänkin, niin on aina jotain kivaa selailtavaa. :)

  2. Tottahan toki saa suomeksi kommentoida, englanniksi tosiaan ajattelin blogia kirjoittaa, niin on vähän "kansainvälisempi". :D

    Ja ole hyvä vain ja kiitos! :)
